Handing financial difficulty God’s way

As we press into the new year, it seems a good time to look at our financial planning again. There are a few different points of view we need to keep in mind as we plan our finances. We need to make practical decisions and do our best to stick to them, but above all we need to put our trust in our heavenly father to bless our efforts and meet our needs.

On the practical end, we should be paying ourselves first. This means to take ten percent off the top of our income and set that aside. It also means having appropriate food stores and clean water for the unexpected calamity. Personally, I keep meat in the freezer, dry and canned goods in the cupboard, and make sure to rotate stock for freshness. One thing that most experts recommend that I am just learning to do is to have a garden of fresh vegetables and can the excess. If God has blessed us with the ability to work and to earn, we should do so and out of those earnings we should be charitable over and above our tithes and offerings. Remembering that all things come from Him.

As I was reading through the Gospels this month I came across and old familiar story. A large crowd had come to Jesus, to hear his teaching and the disciples were concerned about giving them food. Jesus took a small offering of fish and bread, certainly not enough to feed a crowd and fed them all. I think this principle still applies today. If we will give Jesus our all, He will take care of us. This can be taught in such a way as to take advantage of people, so I can understand if some of you are wary. I am not talking about giving to get. I am talking about trusting Him with everything, wanting Him first, and knowing that he will provide our needs

We must understand that God is all powerful and all knowing. If we have need we must ask Him, not because He is unaware, but as part of our relationship with Him. Now, this is the tricky part to explain. When making our requests for that which we need, our goal should always be first and foremost to have Him and His will. Mathew tells us to seek first the kingdom of God and all other things will be added to us. Reflecting Him at the office is a big part of this for me. I ask Him daily as I enter my office to please bless my efforts, to help me to do my job with utmost integrity, and trust Him for the rest. Many at my office know that I serve Him, so it is important that I do not represent Him poorly.

As we earn and spend our money today let us ask the question – what would my financial and work life look like if I lived as though all the promises of God were true? Turn your eyes to Jesus my friends.